Margaret and Fiona (Citizen Advocacy Partnership)

Margaret first heard about advocacy from someone at a local group she used to go to. After having a chat with them she decided she would like to work with someone to have support to resolve an issue she was having. A referral was made for Margaret and she was given an advocacy worker.
Margaret said, ‘The First time I met with Lisa, I thought she had just left school. We went for a cuppy to talk about myself. She told me about what she does, and I asked her what that meant. Lisa was great and cheeky, which helped my confidence to have a laugh and joke with her.
Margaret worked with Lisa for a few months to try and resolve the issue she had. Lisa’s job changed and she explained to Margaret that she would be working on the Citizen Advocacy project. Lisa explained to Margaret what this meant and what Citizen Advocacy is and asked Margaret if it was something she felt she would benefit from. Margaret said she would.
Maggie said ‘I met the new person with Lisa at the sports centre for a cuppy.’
Maggie’s first impression of Fiona was “she is aff her heid” because she thinks they are as daft as each other. Jokes and banter helped them get to know each other, and they make each other laugh.
Maggie likes that she can still contact Lisa as well, it’s nice to keep up that connection, plus it helps chase Fiona up!
If Maggie calls Fiona and she is free, she tells her to get off her backside and get along to the bingo or the swimming. Sometimes they play the PlayStation 4 at Maggie’s house, and Fiona swears when she gets stuck. Maggie is sure she never swore until Fiona taught her. ‘I even told Fiona’s boss about her swearing when Fiona was kind enough to have taken me along to the citizen’s Advocacy BBQ, says Maggie.’
Fiona helps Maggie to understand information and to voice her concerns when she gets letters or has to deal with something she doesn’t understand.
Maggie goes to Fiona’s house if she has any problems. Fiona’s husband makes the best cup of coffee unlike Fiona’s. Maggie has met Fiona’s hubby, ‘he is quiet, nothing like Fiona, and he is not as daft as her!’
The partnership continues to be very positive. Maggie and Fiona get on really well.
*PS: No swear words were used in the making of this partnership!!