Roseanne and Vicky (Citizen Advocacy Partnership)

Vicky became aware of advocacy through one of the development workers at Angus Independent Advocacy. She wanted to connect with a member of the community who did not have anyone in their life to help them to have their voice heard. The development worker had a partner in mind for Vicky and soon after Vicky was introduced to Roseanne.
Roseanne came to Angus Independent Advocacy through a referral from a professional. It was felt that Roseanne needed someone in her life who was there just for her and to support her to have her voice heard. Roseanne worked with a direct advocacy worker and then moved to the citizen advocacy project. Roseanne was matched with a citizen advocate however the advocate moved out of the area so the partnership ended. Roseanne was introduced to Vicky in 2020.
“It has been nice getting to know Vicky, Vicky is very nice and I would like to spend time with her.”
Roseanne, Citizen Advocacy Partner.
Roseanne and Vicky were introduced early in 2020. This was during a difficult time in the world which saw everyone facing a global pandemic. No one was allowed to leave their homes except for shopping or once a day for exercise. This made things difficult, but not impossible for Roseanne and Vicky to form a relationship. During the lockdown Vicky called Roseanne every week, they chatted about how their days were going and if they had been out for their daily walks. A few times we managed to have a three way conversation via Zoom and Skype, it didn’t always go to plan, but it meant Roseanne and Vicky were both able to see who they had been chatting to!
Roseanne and Vicky eventually met face to face in June 2021 at the Angus Independent Advocacy office, Both enjoyed meeting face to face and even managed to get their picture taken outside of the office.
Since things are opening up more and more, Roseanne and Vicky will have the chance to get together face to face and do things. Vicky is very fit and enjoys running and going to the gym. Roseanne has asked Vicky to help her join a gym and is keen to get out for a walk with Vicky, Roseanne is not so keen on the running! Both are looking forward to spending time together face to face.