Get involved
We are a community-based organisation with local people at the heart of what we do. We are both led and driven by the wants and needs of Angus communities. We welcome and encourage feedback- you can give us feedback in a number of different ways, For more information see the feedback and complaints section.
We couldn’t do our work without the commitment and energy of volunteers. Volunteers provide direction to the organisation through our Board of Directors and Citizen Advocacy Steering Group. Citizen Advocates give their time to ensure that the people of Angus can have their voice heard and be connected to the community.
The volunteering and work with us sections below can tell you more about what opportunities are currently available.

We are always looking for people who share our values to be involved in volunteering with us.

Work with us
Thank you for considering us as an employer. We value diversity and aim to reflect this in our workforce.
Feedback and Complaints
We are always looking at ways to improve the work we do and value your feedback.
“It has been good using my strengths to support someone. It is good to see my Citizen Advocacy Partner having her voice heard and feeling empowered.”
Citizen Advocate
You can find out more about the difference advocacy can make from the real-life stories of Partners and Citizen Advocates (Volunteers).